Dreaming that I am wet pants

Dreaming that I am wet pants is what mean?Good dream dreamed that he wet your pants?Dreamed that he wet his pants with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of dreaming that I am wet your pants.

Dreaming that I am wet pants

Dreaming that I am wet trousers, with a dishonest friend closely.

Business people predicted to investing, dreaming that I am wet your pants higher sensitivity to the market, to calibrate, especially in business, is expected to pay good returns.

Dreamed that he wet his pants, indicated you will and dishonest friend recently is closer to and from, have to be careful.

Businessman, dreaming that I am wet your pants predictor for your keep consciousness enhances, the sensitivity of the investors in the face of the market will increase, is more accurate.

Singles dream of wet trousers, which indicated your relationship is more complex, there will be a lot of trouble to bother you.

The old man dreamed that he wet his pants that you prospered, future is full of light and hope, but don't get carried away, to avoid broken good luck.

Students dreamed of his wet trousers, predictor for youThe testAs usual is good, but can not be careless, or you will lost ground.In Mr. Xu zhai "hsu five lines of their learning," said Yang wood that people ", as the person of this risked his cautious some is ok.

Dream onThe toiletDirty pants and predictor for your bad luck lately, to be careful, avoid being deceived.

Dream of forthcoming month classics soiled pants that will change with your family, there may be room needs to be rebuilt or new, way of life but also change.

Dream of shitTo your pants, predictor for you to do things don't go, you can choose to complete together with your colleagues, it also can promote personal ability, strengthen the relationship between colleagues.

Dreaming that I am wet pants

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