Dreaming that I am taking medicine

What is the meaning of dreaming that I take medicine?Dream dreamed that he take medicine?Dreamed that he take medicine with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize detailed solution of dreaming that I take medicine.

Dreaming that I am taking medicine

Medicine to treat disease, is the purpose of the dream of taking medicine means fear of disease, may come your way by the disease.Take medicine, on the other hand, need to spend money, this is the meaning of lost property.

Dream of taking medicine, means poor, places they shouldn't spend money on the flowers, should be careful.

Dreaming that I take medicine, portends a healthy body, very strong, and resistance, immunity is very strong!

Patients dream oneself to take medicine, is on behalf of himself will soon be rehabilitation, and the condition is improving now!

People in love dream about taking medicine, it is love will have some problems, but can solve them.

Dream of selling medicine, means all contact, contact the patient of his disease, will suffer from disease, need to seriously reflect on, his way of life is there any need to change the place.

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