Dreaming that catch the tortoise

Dreamed that caught a turtle is what mean?Dream dreamed that caught a turtle?Dreamed that caught a turtle with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamt that caught a turtle in detail solution.

Dreaming that catch the tortoise

Dream to catchThe tortoiseThere is a problem, a person's health.Special attention should be paid to nephritis, hepatitis, jaundice, diseases such as influenza and menstruation to be not moved.Plenty of sleep is the best health method.

Manual workers dreaming that caught a turtle, health concerns is the respiratory system, be careful respiratory infectious diseases, drink soup runfei, less to crowded places, to go where the air is fresh.

Dream of stone turtle, risk from the adversary;

Dream of the tortoiseswimming, everything will be all the past disaster;

Dream of turtle, retraction of its head into a symbol of the dreamer or someone around to prevent infringement and protect themselves;

Dream of turtle crawled into the water, suggesting that the dreamer will have a new job or the environment.

Dream of the tortoise climb into the house, indicated that the dream will have a fortune income;

Man dream of the tortoise, can good luck that dream career developing steadily, but also all the best;

Women dream of the tortoise, suggests that the dreamer will be the position of honor in the future, career can also have a lot of development;

Traders dream of the tortoise, go abroad to do business, can make a fortune;

Tourists dreamed that tortoise, in far away from home in the city of residence for a period of time;

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Turtle, the main disaster happen."The duke of zhou interprets"

Kill the turtle, the main in mourning."The duke of zhou interprets"

Catching turtles, mourning to the Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

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