Dream of bigamy

Dream of bigamy is what mean?Dream dream of bigamy?Dream of bigamy has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of bigamy detailed solution.

Dream of bigamy

A man dreamed of bigamy, the male charm will be lost.

A womanDream of bigamy, means his reputation will be affected.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream you in my dream of becoming the bigamy, indicating the you in the development of lack and incompetence.You or in between two people who loved, or between two kinds of behavior.You are facing the two possibilities, two kinds of opportunities with peer value to him.

Psychoanalysis: if you are in my dreams with bigamist combination, then you should analyze another possibility, that you may be close to their own people to cheat and fool.

Spiritual symbol: from the perspective of spiritual learning, bigamy marks a resolute choice between justice and injustice.

Dreamed of bigamy case analysis

What kind of dream do dream description: sometimes.I dream, dreamed that he committed bigamy, my in the mind is scared, afraid to hear the sound of the siren.A JiBian to wake up, I just know is had a dream.(male, 34)

Dream dreams resolution: bigamy, on behalf of the recognition of the mean.Dreamed that he committed bigamy, means that in your heart for their disorderly conduct to repentance.A man dreamed that he committed bigamy, show you some repent of his own excesses, determined to recognition.Women dreamed that he committed bigamy, it shows that you have the heart of repentance for their actions.

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