Dream of hot and dry

Dream of hot is what meaning be?Dream dream of hot bear hard, ok?Dream of hot unbearable reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of hot unbearable the detailed solution.

Dream of hot and dry

Dreams feel hot, said it was because of a friend's betrayal, make your plan cannot be achieved.This is usually not a sign of dream.

Dream of breathing hot air, indicate that you will be affected by the evil forces have to under pressure.

Dream of psychology

If the dreamer is noticed that the dream is a scene in the summer, said the good old days of his life he is coming to me.It will soon be the harvest season, can enjoy a moment of peace.

Dream on the one hand, shows that the coming summer holiday and happy, said the subsequent physical and mental relaxation, on the other hand have a chance to contact others said dreamer, build new relationships.

On spiritual level, represents the life in the middle of summer, says it has had the spirit of the first half results, can plan the rest of the life.

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