Dream of abandoned

Dream of abandoned what meaning be?Dream dream of abandoned?Dream of abandoned have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official websiteAbandoned) small make up to help you organize dreamed that the detailed solution.

Dream of abandoned

Men dreamed of abandoned the secular, husband and wife life happiness.

A womanDream of abandoned secular life, means that day happy and rich.

Unmarried men dreamed off, will be to marry a girl of good features.

Unmarried women dream of away from the secular, marriage will be happy.Prisoners dream of away from the world of mortals, sentence will be extended.

Dream of away from the secular, patients would get out of bed, endure pain of torture.

Traders dream took off, the business will make a fortune.

Repeat offenders dreamed away from the world of mortals, soon will be arrested.

King's dream of away from the secular, is the writing on the wall, will be forced to leave the throne, riots or country calls for his resignation.

Bhikkhu dreamed away from the world of mortals, to FanSu, reunited with his family.

Dream of abandoned by case analysis

Dream description: I stand alone in an empty house, with me is an abandoned infantThe child.I think, I must be trapped - a place to break, also must take this just shortly after the birth of the little life.I just hugged him tightly and groping in the dark to the export of the room, walking difficult and trembling.(male, 37 years old)

Dreams resolution: the darkness deepened in the room the upcoming horror, however, this may only related to your sad mood.What has happened to both sad thing, you have the mood to a state of perfection.

The child is the symbol of life.In a dream, no matter what you don't lose the protection of life, this suggests that you never slack desire to survive, even in fear will comes, protect life and human survival instinct.

Life may be what's bothering you, deeply sad mood low in your dreams to the extreme.Don't be overly strengthen the sad emotion, along with the time, you will forget everything, although it can't be eradicated.

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