Dream of oath

What is the meaning of dream of oath?Dream dream of oath?Dream of oath with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteOath) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution.

Dream of oath

Dream of sworn commitment, responsibility, responsible for meaning, such as signal passes through the steadfast efforts, won the enrichment of life, the opportunity of success, and great achievements.

Men dreamed of oath that will get promoted, be entrusts with an important task.

A womanDream of oath that will have a partner, both two feelings yue, old together.

If husband and wife dreamed that he swore to each other and say family life have problems, there will be a barrier or misunderstanding between husband and wife.

Dream of for unmarried couples relationship swear, suggesting that two people, friction, will lead to break up.

Dreaming that I swear to relatives and friends, and suggests that dreams are in life some isolated, and was supposed to close in the distance between people, and feel not be trusted.

Dreamed that he was sworn into office, predict prosperity, smooth development, will achieve the target of interest.

If the dream of oath or stone in the stone, indicated that you would be accomplished scholar, to get people respect.

Dream of thetempleOr religious sites swear, indicate your heart's long-awaited wish will be realized.

Stumble or criminal people dreamed of his oath, will repeat.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream troth, fierce."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the oath is a treaty or promise, conclude between interpersonal or between man and god.Dream XuanLi oath said to take the responsibility and responsible for his own life.More solemn oath promise than the average, the influence is more broad.

Psychoanalysis: pledge is when the witnesses XuanLi commonly, you should know the impact on others.You send to others in the dream in expectation, hope they keep your promise, help yourself.XuanLi vows or listen to the vows means you are responsible for a wide range of duties and responsibilities.

Spirit: from the Angle of the layer said, solemn promise of oath is your spirit.Are you willing to face the universe, keep his promise.

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