Dream forget to forget

Dream of forgotten forgotten what meaning be?Dream dream forget the forgotten, ok?Dream forget forget reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream forget forget the detailed solution.

Dream forget to forget

Dreamed of you forget where you live in, or forget to take your car,babyFind the car, shopping cart, archives, this dream is common, on the one hand, it may be said in the real life work pressure is very big, let your inner anxiety, grief.On the other hand, may also said you have subconsciously want to desire something forgotten.Forget home, for instance, may indicate that you subconsciously don't want to go home;forgetThe childSon, may indicate that you are bored with to take care of the baby.

Dreamed of his memory, maybe you in the reality by what psychological or ideas, dream of amnesia is a kind of way you avoid confronting.

Dreamed that he forgot to bring my keys to open the key to the door, explains the goals for has not reached a goal you, positive, you want to live in a life of hope!Duke of zhou interpretsdaqo

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream dream suffered from poor memory, says the dreamer wants to eliminate recent some unpleasant things, or when the first may also said to change the anxiety and fear.

Psychological analysis: the dreamer in the dream through forgetfulness, reflect a kind of extremely anxious mood.Generally speaking, the dream behind the severe external damage, but the dreamer wants the courage to study and solve these injuries.At that time if you have any foreign support and help that is very valuable.

Spirit: from the spiritual point of view, the dreamer dreams through the forgetful, indicating an end to a profound change has or death.

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