Dream of smell

What is the meaning of dream of smell?Dream dream smells ok or not?Dream of smell have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution of odour.

Dream of smell

A womanDream of conversation fragrance inside the mouth, said in reality, the career will be a great success, become the focus of circles.

Man dreamed that he has bad breath, it can't have good friends in the real world, mainly because of their too too cautious, sometimes making friends is by feeling, the body will suffer from serious illness.

The people dreamed of around people away from their, in real life is a man of very self-abased, due to a lack of confidence, opportunity always brush with yourself, and be a mediocrity is inevitable.

Dreaming that I am inThe toiletSmelled a smell of an evil and unlucky to come, in the short term, for you make me fear is a double whammy.

Dreaming that I am in the flowers and lush garden smell the fragrance of the flowers and plants, unmarried men and women will be my another arriving with married couples, beautiful love waiting for you yo.

Married men and women will have a son, is happy.

Dream of herself in the environment of a cigar smoke, portends a dream is a life organized, do things very thoughtful man, with a little effort, your work and life is meeting a new step, living conditions greatly improved.

Dream of odor related content

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