Dream of myopia

Dream of myopia is what mean?Dream dream of myopia?Dream of myopia have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of myopia detailed solution.

Dream of myopia

Dreaming that I am myopic, indicated that guests don't like suddenly visit, you will be very awkward because he didn't do something.

Dreaming for young women, this unexpected rival.

Dream of her lover myopia, said she will let you feel disappointed.

Dream of glasses, indicate the dreamer to the knowledge update, in dealing with things will be more sure, can be more careful, more successful.

Dream of wearing glasses, is to remind indicate the dreamer should pay attention to things around you, don't be fooled by the appearance of things, see things to see inside, don't be too impulsive.

Dream of glasses broken, indicate the dreamer may encounter some difficulties in study or work, may have no way to solve, need to get the help of others.

Patient dreamed of glasses, indicate the condition of the dreamer is more complicated, in a short period of time is difficult to solve, may need treatment for a long time to heal.

Dream of looking for glasses, indicated that the dreamer will get some unexpected harvest through friends, may be able to improve your current predicament.

Traders dream of glasses, indicate the dreamer's business may have some problems, need to look for reasons from within.

Dream to buy glasses, indicate the dreamer expect things will get very good effect, can have a huge harvest.

Dream in lens, indicate the dreamer's comments about something or views may not be very correct, you need to kind of look at change.

Dream of myopia

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