Dream of the engagement

Dream of engagement is what mean?Dream dream of engagement?Dream of engagement with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of engagement of the detailed solution.

Dream of the engagement

Engagement can be divided into two kinds: one kind is the terms of the engagement, another is to break off an engagement, the engagement reflects is the dreamer of dreams in real life is not a stable love life.

If the dream of the engagement of the engagement, means that the dreamer lovers feelings is not as the other think to be faithful, and the other will perceive, and will therefore have quarrels with the dreamer.

If the dream of the engagement, break off an engagement means in real life dreamer character of love is not too big hold, and in the daily cost and property distribution of two people, worry about existed unfair that they don't know.

If the dream of their own brothers and sisters are engaged, or break off an engagement, means that the dreamer with my brothers and sisters have very deep feelings, and this feeling will be better and better.

Dream don't know is engaged or engagement, means that the dreamer in the near future life will be very smoothly, and family relationship is very harmonious.

Dreamed of by yourself and lover of dissolution, show that you have a desire to do better.

Dream of engagement of the case analysis

Description: dream a dream, my parents told me to make a marriage boyfriend, I don't think this is necessary, but dad hard stick to do that, and draft the treaty.I give it to her boyfriend, her boyfriend smiled said: "all what s, but also to write these rules.I really love you.(female, 24 years old)

Dreams resolution: engagement, including the terms of the engagement or break off an engagement agreement.Whether in the dream dream of engagement, or dream of break off an engagement, that your heart feel about this relationship existed instability, so would dream of engagement for this phenomenon.If the dream of the engagement, whether engaged or break off an engagement, the family or love for some small trouble, or produce a few small contradictions.

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