Dream of the wedding

Dream of a wedding is what mean?Dream dream wedding, ok?Dream of wedding have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream wedding detailed solution.

Dream of the wedding

Dream of the wedding, usually indicates there will be a friends and relatives died.

Dreamed that he looked on people's wedding, predict will have good luck in the home, such as the family member get promoted,The testWell, etc.

Dreamed that he became a minister, indicated that you will get promoted, future.

Dreaming that I attend the wedding, said the dreamer with someone or something is in the stage of development;

Dreamed that he went into the luxurious wedding hall, reception room, predict career success, will win the wealth and fame.

Men dreamed of when the groom, remind you to get in front of feelings, grasp.At the same time in the near future also notice body health, is likely to get sick.

Man's dream of childhood, a partnerTo get married, said their partners and friends of someone's personality, temperament is like.

A womanDreaming that I am the bride and the groom is your Mr Right, that you progress quickly in love, will be with her boyfriend made breakthrough progress.

Dream of parents to attend his wedding, suggest you'll get unexpected help.

Dream of the bride and groom to worship, on the one hand, suggest you may get unexpected heritage given, on the other hand, may also indicated that you will encounter difficulties.

Dreamed that the groom happy laughter, suggest you may encounter like members of the opposite sex, inner excitement.

Dream of the wedding has a lot of wine, the recent care should be taken to indicate that you would get into trouble, make you fear.

Young men and women in love dreaming that I go to the wedding reception, may also your feelings will encounter twists and turns, you might to small friction and lover.

The marriage of young men and women, dream no guests to attend the wedding, said worry about your future marriage, afraid of parents don't accept you.

If you have the wedding, the bride or groom absence of suggest you don't trust partner, each other to let you have enough sense of security.

If the lost dream wedding wedding ring, is also a symbol you don't believe in each other, have no sense of security.

Dream wedding held in the hall, said in real life, your friend for misfortune feel sad sad, maybe you will have very old friend unfortunately message.

Dream of psychology

Explanation: dream a dream wedding said the combination of the two parts in your personality, to form a more perfect as a whole, such as rational and perceptual or combined with the actual.Dreaming that I attend the wedding said your relationship with someone or something is in development stage.Dreaming that I am wearing a wedding dress that you are trying to put his own subjective desire and objective feelings together.Dream of others to wear the wedding dress, you said has nothing to do with it.(here are refers to the maid of honor, rather than the bride).

A psychological analysis: the dream of the wedding scene indicate that you are looking for partner type.If you married his childhood in a dream of a partner, said you are looking for a partner with their partners with the same character.If you want to marry a respectable man in my dream, in fact only involves the person's character, and has nothing to do with herself.

Spiritual symbol: the wedding on the spiritual level said human nature of positive and negative aspects of the content and the necessity of combining material and spiritual levels.

Dream wedding case analysis (@)

Description: dream the dream, I finally become a beautiful new bride.I am wearing a white wedding dress, permeated with a happy smile on his face.In the relatives of the, we held a happy wedding.At this moment, I feel I am the happiest person in the world.(female, 25 years old)

Resolution: dream dream wedding, is the symbol of a pleasant experience.Wedding, is a kind of marriage ceremony, are exciting times.The holy wedding dress and solemn ceremony, is the happiest moment in life.

As the dream of the bride and groom, is independence, said eager to love and be loved.Dream of honeymoon, represents the signal with the attachment.

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