Dream of draw a raft

Dream of paddle rafts is what mean?Dream dream of paddle rafts, ok?Dream of paddle rafts have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a raft of detailed solution.

Dream of draw a raft

Dream of paddle rafts, show that you have some trouble recently, feeling a little attention to myself, has been from side to side, for example relationship problems.

Dream of raft, difficulties will be such as to prevent a flood.

Dreaming that I am alone in a raft, differ with friends.

Dream of across the river on a raft with his wife, a happy family life.

Dream of together with the enemy by raft, suggesting that will face doom was calculated.

Farmers dreamt that plunge into the raft, harvest in sight, can make a lot of money.

The boatman dreamt that plunge into the raft, income will be profitable.

Dream of paddle rafts, social atmosphere influence your current relationships.For example, if the social majority of marriage is filled with distrust, extramarital affairs become very popular a kind of phenomenon, or were you, or a lover, will therefore be affected, the behavior of the prone to divorce!Often communication, express his real intention, which is beneficial to you through this difficulty!

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