Dreamed of edema disease

Dreamed of edema disease is what mean?Dream dreamed of edema disease, ok?Dream of edema disease have realistic effects and reactions, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of edema disease detailed solution.

Dreamed of edema disease

Dreamed of edema disease, and the pain, disease will be around you for a while, but once healed, it can bring you a new vitality.

Dream of people suffering from edema disease and pain, means that will soon spread friend's message, know that they have very healthy body.

Dream of others swelling, indicated that you will receive a good message.

Dream of swelling that may receive bad information, make you angry.

Dream of feet swollen, said the family relationship will appear crack, will indirectly affect your job and career.

marriedA womanDream of swollen feet, member of the family relationship is bad.

Teachers' dream of swollen feet, means will worry about student performance.

Working staff dream of swollen feet, suggesting that colleagues relationship is bad, affect your business.

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