Dream about weddings, funerals

Dream of funerals is what mean?Dream dream weddings, funerals, ok?Dream of funerals have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of funerals detailed solution.

Dream of funerals _ duke of zhou interprets dream weddings, funerals dream to dream, funerals, ok what's the meaning of _ _ the duke of zhou interprets's official website

Weddings and funerals are often people, Chinese people call them "funerals.

When there is a dream wedding, it usually means funeral, stagnated or love.

Dream of weddings, funerals, friends of the relationship between the rocks.Maybe you and your best friend had a lover gradually alienated, then do not envy you, best wishes to her, this is the friendship.

Students dreamed of weddings, funerals, always feel some doubts or learning difficulties, let you feel frustrated, spend a lot of time did not achieve the desired effect.whileThe testOn the grades may not ideal, let you feel disappointed.

And dream of a funeral, is illnessGo to jailOne million head.

Dream of the burial, there will be a wealth of trillion.

Dream heard the cries of the funeral, have a good message.

Dream of to attend the funeral of a loved one, said everything will be good.The lost things appear again;Make peace with the purpose of friends or etc., will be good.

Dream of the wedding, friends and family to death.

Young men and womenDream of marriage, the body will be sick.

Dream and the old man (woman)To get married, will get the heritage.

A manDreaming that I am married, want to get sick or die.

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