Dream of kissing with foreigners

Dream and foreigners kiss is what mean?Dream dream of kissing with a foreigner?Dream of kissing and foreigners have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream of kissing the detailed solution with foreigners.

Dream of kissing with foreigners

Men who dreamt that he is talking with foreign countriesA womanKissing, means that the near future career will be very smoothly, and always work against their enemies will made obeisance to yourself.

If a woman dreamed that he is and foreign men kiss, means family life will be very happy, and her husband also will be more love yourself.

Traders dream about kissing with foreigners, business will be abroad, and will make a lot of money.

Civil servants dream about kissing with foreigner means that the work will be very smoothly, and the near future will be promoted by the leadership.

Dreaming that I am married to a foreigner, you said very want to expand their horizons, change the pace of life, to meet another completely different life.

Dream and foreignersTo make love, the traditional consciousness, foreigners think sex is more open, is this dream you desire in your subconscious in the sexual aspect of improve the quality of your love life, if dreaming that I gave birth to the children of foreigners, said you expect in the future child is clever.

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