Dream and family love

Dream about sex and family is what mean?Dream dream of sex and family ok?Dream of having sex with reality and the influence of the reaction with loved ones, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of having sex and family detailed solution.

Dream and family love

Dream to have sex with loved ones

Dream of making love, suggesting that your emotional or sexual desire is suppressed, or say you are very energetic, creative ideas are very high, if in a dreamTo make loveFeel very comfortable, physical and mental health, said dreamer if feeling unwell, suggests that the body may appear some problems.

Dream of having sex with their parents or other relatives, psychoanalytic theory is the dreamer of "incest desire" psychological reflection, however, psychologists study shows that "incest sexual desire seldom appears in a dream, on the contrary it will appear with metaphor and symbol, which tend to dream a nightmare."Sex object is the dreamer reverence and respect elders or elderly, symbol is ideological exchanges and resonance.

Dream about sex and family case analysis

The dream description: hello, I'm 16 years old today, I have respect for my mother, I also never have thought that to mum.But maybe my underwear is tight, when you go to sleep at night a few days ago had sexual dream, but sex object was mother.Dreamed I inTake a showerWhen mother came in, touch my butt and then hand rubbing my penis to the front, and then we made love.Found himself spermatorrhea after wake up, I feel very sorry mom now, every time I talk to mother when I was ashamed.I should be how to adjust, thank you!

Dreams resolution: make love in a dream, it is normal physiological puberty, sexual desire is pressed and then reflected in a dream, sex dreams happen related to sex hormone levels in the body, sexual psychology.Along with the physical and mental gradually mature, whether men or women will be sexually aroused.The sex drive while you are awake, inhibition by reason, but in fast asleep, but without any bondage, then appeared for a variety of sexual dreams.Such as sexual dream have a kiss in the form of a dream,pregnancyDream, masturbation, rape, dream, dream, dream, incest, sexual perversion naked, etc., as well as other various waking in both spirit and body do not to come out of sex.A lot of friends have such sexual dream to myself shame, fear, remorse, or confusion, they even can't believe, how can your "to do" such demoralization, ridiculous thing.

From a psychoanalytic theory to the analysis of the dream, sex object is parents, so is the dreamer of "incest desire" psychological reflection, called it "the DiPu complex".Psychologists, however, research has shown that "incest sexual desire seldom appears in a dream, on the contrary it will appear with metaphor and symbol, which tend to dream a nightmare."This dream usually implies that you encounter a few difficulties, such as learning and pressure at work, hope to get the recognition of the parents and other family members, or can have a good communication with parents, to spiritual communication with parents, but turned into sex scenes in a dream.

But need to be clear that our sexual dreams is not their own willpower can control or transferred, sexual dream is not a person wants to have can have, won't have to suppress.It does not mean that their character is low, evil, ugly, moral is not healthy, so did dream "incest" friend, completely unnecessary trouble for his "dream" dirty, because dream and there is no relationship between moral character!

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