Dream of laughter

Dream of laughter is what mean?Dream dream of laughing?Dreamed that laughter has the reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of laughing the detailed solution.

Dream of laughter

Laughter is a kind of emotional fluctuations and release, while laughing, people lost calm and cautious.whileDream of laughterLet the dreamer, is likely to encounter sad and unhappy,Duke of zhou interpretsIn the proposed "the dream", is very good reflected here.

Dream and laughed with her family, means that family life is no longer calm, there will be disputes appear, there will be pain.

Dreamed laughed together with the enemy, means that can not correctly distinguish between friend and foe, will let friends sad departure, will be separated from friends.

Dream with strangers laughed, means can't correctly handle interpersonal relationships, and misfortune, need to calm attitude towards others, dream of mt.huandshan laugh and talk with strangers, there may be unfortunate message.

Lovers dreamt that they together xi xi ha ha, love will be more deeply.

Cry smile the patient of his disease.Which means the patientDream of cryingSmile or dreamed of patient cry smile, disease will be cured.

The following is the dream of laughing psychological explanation:

Dream laughed (especially for your laughter) said the dreamer has been a huge success in one area.Dream of laugh alone reflects the dreamer's heart feeling of relief and caused you laugh thing has very important meaning.If the dreamer heard a group of people laughing, that are there some things that make many people happy.Dream of others to laugh at themselves, said the dreamer was afraid of the case be ashamed or dream for themselves to do the wrong thing, a similar dream that dreams in life there must be a painful experience.

Dream of laughing

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