Dream of quarrel with people

What is the meaning of dream of quarrel with people?Dream dream of quarrel with people?Dreamed of quarrel with people have a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of detailed solution of quarrel with people.

Dream of quarrel with people

Dream of quarrel with family or medical staff, patient will deteriorate.

Dream of quarrel with strangers on the road, is a good omen, friends will invite to a party.

A womanDream of quarrel with his neighbors, property safety without sample.

Dream of quarrelSaid, said two people warm feelings, and has a strong sexual desire.

Dream of quarrel with his wife, conjugal love, a happy life.

Dream and relatives and friends quarrel, the whole family live in harmony, crisis can get the help of friends.

Dream and the enemyA fight, everything will be smooth.

Workers dream of quarrel with your boss, promotion a raise.

Dream of quarrel with subordinates, can properly deal with their own thing.

Dreamed of andThe deadQuarrel, will be strong, to live as long as the southern mountain.

Dream of argue with her husband, married womanboys

Married women dream of quarrel with beggars, husband will be very poor.

Girls dream of back with parents, to marry the rich family soon.

Dream of woman and their gum Yu, is writing on the wall, will the destruction.

Dream of friends noisy, will lose people's help.

Dream of the enemy yell bloody murder, is auspicious, means that they can win.

Traders dream of argue with the customer, business will not smooth, less income.

Old people dreamed of mix with your child, is auspicious, happiness of life, prolong life.

Accused people dreamed of noisy, and the judge will be released.

Traders dream of fight with customer, is auspicious, can make a fortune.

Tourists dream of bickering over each other, travel will end.

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