Dream of combat

What's the meaning of dream of combat.Dream dream of fighting, ok?Dream of grapple with the reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of fighting the detailed solution.

Dream of combat

Combat dream, represents the success and difficulty.

The dream, is your heart is full of competitive performance.

If the dream of combat won, show your current transaction will be successful.

If the dream of combat lost, suggests that you may encounter difficulties and problems.

Dream to fight with criminals, it said, and her inner struggle thoughts.Dreamed of his victory in the fighting, said he will be successful in our career.Dreaming that I am lost in the struggle, indicated there will be a big hassle to find himself.

Dream of combat or fighting, indicates his will experience a lot of difficulties to reach own purpose.Dreamed that he saw others fighting, says he will lose a good opportunity because of the confusion.

Young women dream of soldiers who have been in combat, may indicate the dreamer to choose one of two lovers.May both love her very much, are even willing to die for her.

Dreamed of combat case analysis

The dream description: in real life, have no big combat.But once I dreamed that the intense fighting scenes.Each holding a sword, we are strongly beat, in the end I won.(male, 29 years old)

Dream dream resolution: combat, represents the success and difficulty.The dream, is your heart is full of competitive performance.Dream of combat won, indicates that your current transaction will be successful.Dream of combat lost, suggests that you may encounter difficulties and problems.

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