Dream of happy joy

Dream of happy joy is what mean?Dream dream of happy joy?Dream of happy joy have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution in the joy of the dream of happy talk.

Dream of happy joy

Joy is sorrow, happy dream outside the dream.

The part of life is suffering, the suffering of happiness is to escape, is equal to deviate from his own duty.Dreaming that I am so happy that means your life away from the direction, will suffer from sorrow.

Joy is a state of excessive, often said because of the excessive sorrow.

Dreaming that I am very happy, usually indicated that you will have sorrow.If the dream of a sad occasion, such as at a funeral, happy, happy, satisfied, said one body out of self-protection, afraid to bear the pain of lost a loved one, is deliberately to accept the reality of death relatives.

The old man dreamed that he was very happy, indicate that you recently some physical strength overdraft, may be sick, must pay attention to rest.

Dream of friends and family are very happy, may signal happen gap between relatives and friends, family have differences.

Dream about a stranger is very happy that you will be happy.

Dream of the opponent is very happy, or your own misery, schadenfreude, suggest you will receive a good message, the opponent enemy will suffer setbacks.

The healthy man dreamed to be sad.

Dream of a happy heart will meet misfortune and disaster.

Pepsi kyrgyzstan with joy in the home.Mean dream of home happy, everything is all right.

A sick man dreaming that I am very happy, be strong.

Soldiers be captured, dreaming that I am very happy.

Dreaming that I have hope to get someA womanLove, will lose hope, everything.

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