Dream of a cold

What is the meaning of dream of a cold?Dream dream of a cold?Dream of cold reality and the influence of the reaction and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a cold the detailed solution.

Dream of a cold

Dream of fever, indicate trouble finally coming to an end, everything goes well.

A dream of a cold, cough, may also indicate that you want to do business partnership with others.

Dream of hospitalized patients with high fever, indicate that you will be engaged in related to medical industry, when the doctor or selling drugs, will make a fortune.

Dreamt ofThe childFever, suggesting that might get into trouble, the plan is difficult to quickly.

Dreamed of a cold case analysis

The dream description: a little cold at ordinary times I was dreaming that I caught a cold, and there are some serious.The dream I feel whole body uncomfortable, so we have to go to the hospital.The doctor said I caught a cold, take medicine on time, drink water more, rest more, will be better in a few days.(female, 31)

Resolution: dream dreamed of a cold, it shows that your heart began to pay attention to their own.Dreamed that he caught a cold, is to remind you to save money.Dream of people caught a cold, is trying to tell you when the mind should be calm.

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