Dream of embarrassment

Dream of embarrassment is what mean?Dream dream of embarrassment, ok?Dream of embarrassing reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of embarrassing detail solution.

Dream of embarrassment

General dream of embarrassment, that your heart is very nervous.

Dreaming that I make a fool of yourself in public, or an awkward situation, such as the fall in front of a lot of people, such as speech forget the word, on the one hand, is said in the heart of the tension, let your heart may be social, or public pressure, may you always is too high to own request, appropriate to reduce the requirements, relax mood, let nature take its course, perhaps can reduce anxiety, to win the life easier.On the other hand, if the dream of make a fool of yourself in public, you don't feel embarrassed, may mean that you stick to the society, the rule of inner challenge.

Dream of blushing because of embarrassment, said I was worry for other people's nonsense.

Dream of someone else blush because of embarrassment, remind you don't talkative to gossip.

Dreaming that I am because of embarrassing blush, suggesting that there may be a bad thing, or have bad faith friends make you embarrassed.

Dreaming that I am very embarrassed in public, means that you own requirements too high.

Dream of gaffes but I do not feel embarrassed, symbol in you a challenge to social conventions.

Dreamed of embarrassing case analysis

Description: dream dreamed that a group of colleagues in eat, treat people ask what I want to eat with a neighboring coworker, I said some juice, the result we go across the glass to see herTo buy things, no, I bought a bottle of juice to colleagues, beside she saw my eyes as if said: "I just kind of ask you, didn't really want to buy for you."At that time, let me very depressed very embarrassed, affect the mood.

Resolution: dream dream of embarrassment, show your inner tension, dream of colleague's behavior makes you feel embarrassed, you pay too much attention to colleagues, on social networking, you are always timid, afraid of other people don't like yourself.

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