Dream of foreman:

Dream of foreman: what does that mean?Dream dream of foreman: ok?Dream of foreman: have a reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of detailed solution of foreman: go ahead.

Dream of foreman:

Foreman: generally refers to a thief to steal things didn't steal to return empty-handed.It can also refer to someone's home (can be a friend to play, can be to visit friends, also can be to promote products), nobody in the results, and return alone.

The dream into an empty net, an omen of the rich have to pay attention to seize the opportunity to get rich!

Dreaming that suffered a foreman: dreaming that bunch, money will rise.Temporary and a small job with high income, the luck will continue to happen, your pocket will often full.

Dream of strange lu attacks, says health luck will decline.Especially must pay attention to food poisoning, digestive system diseases such as dysentery.The habit of eating ice cream on the way home, want to have a changed.

Dream of stealing, means that will be able to benefit, good fortune.

Dream of stealing is found, means to transfer the work, revenue will be strong.

Looking for a job person dreamed that he steal things, have been discovered, predict job lucky, can easily get the opportunity, also often have commendable creativity, is easier to get the appreciation of each other.

Adults who dreamed that he steal things, have been discovered, says health some small trouble will come to visit, suggest that more active joints, the body will be more stretch.

Dreamed of was caught stealing, indicate his plans have no confidence about the future.

Job seekers dreamed that he was caught stealing, indicate the there will be a fairly good performance on the job field, also relatively easy to obtain rational opportunity.Face, is the need to cross the past.

The examinee dreamed that he was caught stealing, boded ill or the body will appear problem, suggest to see a doctor.

Civilian workers dreamed that he was caught stealing, said while others can help reduce your workload, but in some ways dependence on others, also let feel being dragged the sour.

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