Dream of marriage

What is the meaning of dream get married?Dream dream get married ok or not?Dream of marriage is the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official websiteMarried) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution.

Dream of marriage

Dreamt of woman get married, the Lord will be broken.

unmarriedA womanDream of marriage, indicates his very cravingTo get married

Married women dream of marriage, mean that themselves are not satisfied with the current marital status.

Dreaming that I am married and unmarried women dream this dream may be a metaphor, the dreamer in the near future will be my "prince charming" arriving, and the dreamer wants the prince charming is there much of a might be interested in the dreamer, suggest the dreamer initiative, people often say: "male after female, every mountain;Men, and women recover barriers yarn.Girls take the initiative to pursue more likely to succeed, I wish the dreamer can get real happiness.

Married women dreaming that I am married, the dream is likely to mean that the dreamer of are not satisfied with your current marital status may be because the dreamer's current marriage is not so good as we imagined, remind the dreamer, life is not equal to idea nine times out of ten, in real life, can't be everything was great, love life of happiness or not, is the need to the dreamer with their partners work together, as long as the two sides to respect each other, cherish each other, will be able to create a happy, happy love life.

Dream of his own home someone get married, this portends a more dreams, the dreamer's home in the near future there will be an occasion occurs, such as home someone's wedding, birthday, etc., is an auspicious good one million head, at the same time, it is often said that "joy puts heart into a man", all occurred in the home, for their own physical and mental health is also very helpful, people often call this the "joyous".

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream marry, fierce.Dream married female main broken home, the wife marry Lord to remarry.Big fierce woman dreams to marry.Male dream itself marry Lord have meet and get along well."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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