Dream of eating frogs

Dream of eating frogs is what mean?Dream dream of eating frogs?Dream of eat frogs have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of eating frogs detailed solution.

Dream of eating frogs: to cheat a friend.

Graduates dream of eating frogs: job fell luck, not seriously enough, some casual, at the same time, the situation of the accident is more, oneself is also likely to be out of ideas.

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Students dream of eating frogs: although have try my best, but the result seems to also have no, because of the aggressive and active, heart was nowhere to study, picked up the book will want to sleep., however, are not completely annihilated, you are most interested in the subject result should be very good!

Entrepreneurs dream of eating frogs: good fortune, to participate in collective consumption opportunities is more, someone could share the cost with you, and get a discount.Investment power increased, often there is a close relationship and your communication.

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