The dream for corn

Dream for corn is what mean?Dream is a dream for corn?Dream corns have what the real and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up detailed solutions to help you organize the dream for corn.

The dream for corn

Corns foot skin partial pressure for a long time and the friction, limitations, hyperplasia of conical cutin.Commonly known as the "sting" meat.People more easily happen in standing and walking for a long time, friction and compression is the main cause.

Corns and dreamed of his feet very pain, says the enemy is secretly mischief, you will be unhappy.

Gouge if can successfully put the corns from the soles of the feet, you will receive a lot of unexpected legacy.

Young woman dreamed long corn on his foot, hinted that she would have had to endure a lot of misery and suffering, or been received coolly in boyfriend.

The dream for corn case analysis

Dream description: dreaming that I long for 30 several corn on his foot, started a long time, direct I dug a small aunt, it hurts, counted under 30, was miserable, in order not to become infected with bacteria that go to the hospital, but when he was woken up!Waking up!

Dreams resolution: dream for corn, reminds you to be, may be someone is secretly mischief, for you to live and work in trouble, don't go well.

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