Dream of for clothes

Dream of mending clothes is what mean?Dream dream of mending clothes, ok?Dream of mending clothes have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteSmall make up to help you organize dream make clothing the detailed solution.

Dream of for clothes

Dream of mending clothes master of luck.(Duke of zhou interprets

Sewing your own clothes is repaired, represents the offset error, symbol of the good or bad luck.

Dreaming that I am mending clothes, means good luck.

But if the dream of other sewing your own clothes, the means is not willing to take responsibility for their own mistakes, to misfortune.

Traders dream of mending clothes, customers represents the good service attitude, the business will make a fortune.

Dream of mending clothes foe, means to each other to realize their own fault, not against yourself.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: sewing clothes is compensate for damaged, dreamed about sewing dresses is a good omen.

Psychoanalysis: men dream of sewing, means that will soon be working.marriedA womanDream of sewing, will become a good wife.Unmarried women dream of sewing, will marry as a youth.Unmarried men dreamed of seam old clothes, life would be rich.Unmarried women dream of seam old clothes, life will be rich.Men dreamed of seam old clothes, may be very poor.Clerk seam dream of old clothes, may be dismissed.Married women dream of seam old clothes, her husband's income may be reduced.Tailor seam dreamed of old clothes, income will be profitable.Dream about sewing clothes to earn money, can make money in business.

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