Dreamed that someone sent me a mirror

What do you mean dreamed someone sent me a mirror?Dream dream of others to give me a mirror?Dreamt that someone sent me a mirror with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of someone else to send me the detailed solution of the mirror.

Dreamed that someone sent me a mirror

Dream of someone else to send mirror, good luck will go, and will last.

Mirror, unmarried men dreamed of a gift money.

The mirror of women dream of people, says the birth of.

Dream of the look in the mirror, said there will be a message came from a distance, as for is is fierce, how to look in the mirror image.If the image is normal, clear and bright in the mirror, this is a good one million head, if the image is fuzzy, the ugly in the mirror, said evil of trillion.If it is somebody else's image in the mirror, said the one you love will be in trouble.

Dream of look in the mirror, if the mirror is bright, said will everything goes well with you.And if the mirror is blurry, foggy, suggesting that there may be a disaster or unlucky things happen.

Dream of the hand mirror fell to the ground broken, said a catastrophe to happen.

Dream of according to his head with the mirror, says it is auspicious, will be promoted.

Dream of own shadow reflected in the mirror, the man dreamed of his shadow reflected in the mirror, will be healthy and live as long as the southern mountain.Girls dream of shadow in the mirror, the husband can find contentment.

Dream of got a mirror, said the illness will deteriorate.

Dream of mirror is broken, this is a bad omen, said people will separate you and closest, it could also be separated with your wife (husband).

Dreamed of yourself in the mirror, married women dream of himself in the mirror is like, will be more love her husband.

Dream of the mirror,Have a haircutT dream of mirror, business will profit.Married women dream of mirror, the husband is falling in love with the otherA woman

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