Dream of getting fat

Dream of fat is what mean?Dream dream of getting fat?Dream of fat have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of dream of getting fat.

Dream of getting fat

Dreaming that I am fat or fat, which indicated the dream in some cases is not careful, it creates a kind of not to uncomfortable.

Girlfriend fat is oneself care for each other's subconscious mind.The girlfriend said here that female friends.

Incumbents dreamt girlfriend fat that his recent economic will be damaged, the economic losses will face problems.

Old man dreamed that his wife fat, portend an oneself will have the chance to travel, there will be a lot of harvest.

A womanDreamt girlfriend fat, bespeak his problems will appear on the body.

The old man dreamed that his girlfriend fat, indicated that his side will happen a lot of fun.

Businessman dreamt girlfriend fat, indicated he would have a lot of social parties, some difficulties in economy.

Dream of body fat, luck money have a tendency to rise.Will be able to look forward to a temporary income.You open my wallet, the coming of the waiting for the fee.

Dreaming that I am fat or fat, which indicated the dream in some cases is not careful, it created a did not bring to their interests, but feel very comfortable.

Dreamed of becoming a bloated fat people that you begin to notice their own ego and pride, realize character against their superficial tendency;At the same time, the dreamer through dreams to understand his own desires and bourgeois elements, are you used to this kind of character do not.

Dreaming that I am getting fat, foreshadow the troubles will soon be solved, your life will be in health, money, love, etc, is very happy.

Businessman dreaming that I am getting fat, foreshadow the you in the near future is good, the good income growth often and effort is proportional to the professional job, savings will high.Investment risk and profit increase, more need to be careful.

A man dreaming that I am getting fat, you luck recently, remember that retreat ji, the accelerated.

Office worker dreaming that I am getting fat, which indicated in your job can be easy to handle, self-expression and realize the value of desire is stronger, creative ideas, also have the opportunity to achieve work and interest.

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