Dream of the detective

Dream of the detective is what mean?Dream dream of detective?Dream of detectives have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of detective detailed solution.

Dream of the detective

Detective dreamed that says you have hidden secret is open, especially when you have a relationship it will be perceived by others, according to the dream, you try to keep his mouth shut, he never publicly actively, do best.

Detective in the married men dream, is to remind you to fully.

Detective appeared to married women in a dream, light is telling you not to pay their own feeling.

Dream of detective old disturb your peaceful life, but you are innocent, that promises good luck and honor from day to day coming to you,But if you think you're guilty, you're likely to find his own fame are threatened, friends will be away from you.Unlucky for young woman, it is a dream.

Dream of psychology

Detective dream explanation: the symbol the hidden secret is disclosed.

Psychological analysis: a dream of being followed by the detective, you try to keep his mouth shut, he never publicly actively, do best.

Dreamed of detective case analysis

Perhaps is the cause of too many detective novels, detective of the profession is full of mystery and sense of worship.Once I dream, dreamed that he became a detective, is a treasure stolen case investigation.(male, 17 years old)

Resolution: dream dream detective, represents the mysterious experience or the feelings of men and women.Dream of detective, that you will have a mysterious adventure.Detective in the married men dream, is to remind you to specific feelings.The detective appeared to married women in a dream, is trying to tell you not to pay out my feeling easily.

Such as dream of stalking, is the symbol of love, men and women showed that there was a story in your heart.

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