Dream of the eye

What's the meaning of dream of eyes?Dream dream of eyes?Dream of eyes have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of eyes detailed solution.

Dream of the eye

Dream of a pair of big eyes stare at yourself, you should be careful, may indicate someone is looking for a chance to hurt you.Love of young people dream of such a big eyes, predicted the possible rival in love, take away your lover.

Dream of a womanEyes sparkling, may signal will be disqualified, or the result of being possessed.

Dream of red eyes, should pay attention to body health, may be sick.

Dream of blind in one eye said the dreamer in some kind of trouble;

Girls dream of eyes were bloodshot, also suggested that the subconscious fear and expectation of sex.

Dreamed of his eyes sting that life may be painful.

Dream of my eyes swollen, but it didn't hurt, said a happy life.

Dream of eyes was stabbed, remain vigilant, you might have been someone else's attack, or some heart longing for sex.

Dream of eyes erosion, be careful, don't only pay attention to immediate interests and finally loses.

Dream of special bright eyes clear, indicate your specific goals, make hay while the sun shines action, will surely succeed.

Dream of dark without the eye of god, or closed eyes, may be said your inner anxiety, or there are communication barriers with people.

Dream of luminous eyes, good that you invest, likely in the bond, the stock market has made gratifying achievements.

Have dust into the eyes of that may be lost or meet the thief, remain vigilant.

Dream of wash eyes, suggest you can have progress in the emotional aspects, or there will be more sober understanding of events.Wash eyes dream said there is any trouble, can solve and make a progress.

Dream of eyelash longer, indicated that may have make you sad, sad in my heart.

Dream of wearing glasses, good that you have a little money, such as unexpected gift, or increase revenue.

You dream of blue eyes, said weak, frail.

Dream of gray eyes, remind you may encounter emotional liar, be careful, the rhetoric of others, don't be too easy to believe.

Dream of the thick black eye shadowA womanThat you may suffer losses on the economy, pay attention to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Dream of herself to wink, remind you should be pay attention to body health, may be very ill, or even an incurable disease.

Dream of wearing glasses, is a matter of good omen.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream in the eye, ji.With longan in your text, with tiger eye in Wu Rong, peng osprey cheng for all of you.With the chicken dog eye in ghost, the base of the account."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream eyes hanging bead and fierce.Bead like tears, the heart cry of bead tears, dream Lord cry of trillion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Saturn's dream eyes gold illumination, ji, buy field take a servant.Is nose is the central, in soil, the five elements for Lord of the property, golden light nose is faigin used to start a family."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream man guided needle la, eye.Review highlights, distinguishes the likes and dislikes, see high low, dream person with acupuncture ominous, if patients dream this business."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream twofold, apple of the eye, the signs of the big expensive."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream eye, fine.Realized the dream of life wisdom, work of the dream."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

The woman's eyes bright, Pepsi."The duke of zhou interprets"

Eye pain, a throne."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream less, business.Thousand sorrow is disbanded, no doubt.All buddhists, prevent eye disease."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

In dreams, fierce, have spies coming of trillion of thieves.If the dream of others, the auspicious."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream in blood, big fierce.Eyes with blood and tears, for the child the dreams, for the signs of tears of blood;No parents dream, physical death unlawfully."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

In dream and a mesh, fierce.When the locusts, the family crisis, patients."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ternary, ji.This dream for Chinese lang.If the civilian affairs, auspicious times within three days."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream four eyes, fine, revelation of the quartet."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream suspension, fierce.Hanging eyes and see, worry anxiously, have the dream, from the heart meridian."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

One dream, ji.The dreamer, riches and honour the promise."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: adult body symbol the complete image of the man in my dream (including his character and feature) or self consciousness.When a person was starvingbabyWhen his body became their most important source of information.

Psychoanalysis: eyes in the dream represents observation or comments, in addition, it can also be said a man's wisdom, protection, and security.According to the old method of dream interpretation, eyes always with light, it symbolizes the god of the sun.In Egypt, the eye shape items can be as a talisman.Dream of one eye blind indicates a particular aspect of your ability weakened (right eye on behalf of logic judgment, the intuition of the left eye representative).Dream of your eyes surgery, said popular person returned to the corresponding power or reputation of innocence.

Dream of the case analysis of eyes

I dreamed I went to the field sketch, time seems to be in the early summer, the grass is full of all kinds of flowers open.At this time, a girl walk into my line of sight, beautiful and her eyes, like two tam faint blue water, let a person is most lasting.(male, 25 years old)

Dreams resolution: the window of the soul's eyes, is the information and symbol of love.Dream of a pair of beautiful eyes, said you have a honest love.Wonderful eyes is a sign of very useful changes;Squint eyes good one million head is your wealth;Dream of the blue or light eyes, means a new friendship, and black eyes on behalf of the new relationship.

Like a dream for and beautiful eyelash, there is a happy happy love or social work.

Dream of eyes

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