Dream of clerical staff

Dream of clerical staff what meaning be?Dream dream of clerical staff, ok?Dream of clerical staff have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of clerical staff detailed solution.

Dream of clerical staff

Dream of company employee or agent, usually is the embodiment of the daily work pressure.

For example, if the dream of countless the same table, and staff are vague and shows the reality, let you feel out of breath under pressure from the busy city life, as well as to the debt crisis, unemployment and obscurity of anxiety.

Dreaming that I am sitting in the office, suggest unfortunately busy day is about to start.

Dream of when the insurance company staff, business will make a fortune.

Leadership dream of quarrel with employees, bespeak the tangle of you recently on the love life very, easy to present a farce scenes, and in the end is also unable to sort out their feelings, it is recommended that you do everything to settle down, can escape the disaster.

Bad dream of their own employees, and attitude, portends a recent will you accept some hardships or unrest, suggest you to prepare.

Dream of their own employees, and calm humor, indicate your recent good luck, smooth in real life, there's nothing embarrassing things, is a good omen.

Dream of reprimanded employees, portends a part of your chart, what must make great efforts to pass, so, you are on business or other things must be skilled;Recent don't wander, avoid all boss on inspection caught not good.

?Dream of clerical staff analysis of the case

Dream description: I am a women who worked in a big company, where I have been working for more than three years, get along with colleagues at ordinary times, the relationship with the boss wasn't too bad, but a few days ago I dreamed that I quarrel with the company's boss, and boss of the dream is not my immediate supervisor, I with she very fierce.Quarrel because of in a dream, don't know why the female supervisor meeting in our department, and said, in my opinion is meaningless, so, I will tell the meaning of the want to finish the meeting, and said, these are irrelevant things, why speak so long?Besides, this is our department, you are here to open this meeting is a waste of our time, we do things blocked.Just because of this, the dream of the female boss is very angry, so let me out.But I would not, however, think that this is our department, she has no rights.Then, I have no weakness quarrelling with female boss.The female employees, and the last quarrel is what mean?

Dreams resolution: dream of quarrel with your boss, means that the dreamer is an independent, creative, or is the person who dare to innovation, and leadership sometimes discord, did not know how to express myself though an advice but sometimes is good, even if have any questions on the boss, no outbreaks.Often sometimes boss is too conservative, to develop new project will assess the long, can't literally to enable new innovation.Like the female boss, in your dreams in blindly to work according to oneself idea didn't listen to everyone's opinions, even if you think that there is no sense in the meeting, she still want to extend the time to finish it.May also be superior in some ways, do wheeler-dealer, a bit domineering, the dreamer in real life to play their own ability but some will be blocked, or is the dreamer thinks his ability is very strong, the foot can be competent for higher office or get more salary, and didn't get the recognition of the leadership, the dissatisfaction of the status quo is always buried in the heart, and it adds an extra pressure to the dreamer.

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