Dream of the head

Dream of head is what mean?Dream dream of head?Dream of head with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dream of heads of small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of the head

Dream of head greaten, is to get tips.

Dream of shampoo, which indicated all the sorrow will pass away.

Dream of their hands, there will be a good message.

Dream of the child's head, that is a dream to pursue happiness in the future life;

Dream of bleedingHead, means that the dreamer is not smooth, self efforts will suffer;

Dream of a headache or a head injury, means that the dreamer is worry about a thing in disrupting the heart;

Several times dream of expansion head, explain the dreamer in life better than;

Dream of long found himself two heads, explained the dreamer can rapid promotion, but this condition is not stable;

Dreaming that I am separated head and body, head, said to the dreamer himself has been thinking about fall into a state of confusion, bewilderment, want to abandon to flee;

Dream away leaving only the head, body and head shape appears slender, said his head just a sex impulse without thinking, suggests that the dreamer is only for sex strong care for other things there is no achievement;

Dream of in the mirror to see his head, means that the dreamer will get promoted.

Dream of someone sword to cut his head, means that the dreamer's own sorrow will cause dissatisfaction with the others, himself and his family all should pay attention to proceed with caution.

The dream of his hands, indicate the dreamer grasp sorrow in their hands, everything is under control.

Dreamed of his head, is a harbinger of ascension.May also be grieved, but that doesn't like the hair, indicate the charging of grief, but means his bit.That is to say, there will be more trouble, oneself inside it is usually seen as the precursor of ascension.In the mirror to see his head, is also a means to ascend, but that is because has the courage to face their own problems, the job responsibilities have enough courage to bear, so would get the appreciation of the superior.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream cranial everbright, ji.This MengWen NPC expensive, ordinary people, the patient ominous.Full of old."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream cranial door did not move, brain flow like rain, fine.Big expensive of trillion, spittor elephant."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream cranial composite door is open, business.Poor. Everything alone, when the contract of the heart."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream split master medicine, craniotomy.All except the signs of the disease, more sorrow joy to feel secure."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream broken skull brain out door, fierce.Dream of the ancestors dispersed and lost, unlawfully of trillion.If fighting with people who dream of this, the worst from sharks."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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