Dream of agents

Dream of spy is what mean?Dream dream of spy?Dream of agents have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of spy the detailed solution.

Dream of agents

Spy refers to the people engaged in secret detective work, or from hostile competitors spying confidential information or to sabotage, in order to make its effectiveness by one side.Also known as agents, agents, agents.Is one of the main task of the spy, or take illegal or legal means, through the secret way to steal information, subversion, assassination, kidnapping, explosion, and the heart war, destruction such as hidden.

Dream of agents, showed that heart there are deluding themselves.

Dream agents can also be a symbol of your competitors in business, you are worried about your opponent will secretly tears, go against your competition.

Dreaming that I become a secret agent, I will have an adventure, but the ending tend not to live up to his expectations.

theTo get marriedWomen dream of himself as a spy, means that your marriage is a symbol of a kind of adventure, and you to hide her fiance.

Dream of others to become agents, means that they don't want to let people know your inner world, you are on the defensive.

Dream of spy constantly pestering you, the noise of the signal danger, inner anxiety.

Dreamed of spy case analysis

A 】 【 case

Dream description: dreamed that he joined a secret organization, the interview the interviewer told me with a face of serious: "must do agents, appearance is ordinary, let a person look all remember long what appearance.Your grades ranked second, is the only qualified person."I asked: why don't they score the first be accepted?The examiner said: "after the interview, everyone forgot what he looks like, can't notice him."

Resolution: dream dreamed himself as a spy, suggest you will be conducting a risk behavior, the dream you are the only one among all the interview spy a qualified person, shows you the risk-taking is proud of you, but still want to remind you all to be careful.

The second case.

The dream description: dream of when agents, performing tasks in a building,escapeWhen a friend fell dead, I'm from herThe bodyStepping on the past.

Dreams resolution: do this dream suggests that you can for money interests do not hesitate to do the adventure, and even betray a friend, using friends get wealth.

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