Dream of the tongue

Dream of tongue is what mean?Dream dream of tongue, ok?Dream of the tongue have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of the tongue you tidy the detailed solution.

Dream of the tongue

Dream of the tongue, and more related to the rumors, and truth.

Dream of the tongue, may suggest that there will be little people spread rumors about you, let you feel upset.

unmarriedA womanDreaming that I stick out their tongue, suggesting that emotional ups and downs, your feelings may have twists and turns.

Unmarried men dreamed of your tongue, indicated that relationship is progressing.

Dream of their own tongue is very long, suggest the dreamer life hyperbolic dishonesty, and may make up right from wrong.

Dream of the tongue out longer and longer, more and more exaggerated, remind you to pay attention to mental health.May signal recently too easily excited, emotional ups and downs.

Have two of the tongue that you will have your breath.

Dream no tongue, suggesting that cannot talk, or don't want to talk, don't argue with people.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream wipe tongue yellow, ji."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream in the tooth to the sword into the tongue, fierce."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream more than one tongue.Your breath, litigation.Literary master good language."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream cut off the tongue, fierce, bad dream."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream three tongue, auspicious, tumbled main group of people."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreams long spit tongue color.Dream this article into the da, fame dignitaries, heng jia."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream hemorrhage with the tip of the tongue.This dream improve Vince Lord, your breath, disease ZhuXin classics, merchants dolly.The broken dream secretary

Dream saying your tongue words, fierce, helpless, Lord daily."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream tongue flow.The main household is not enough, found in everything.And the main wine of trillion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream tongue lotus.Literati."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

The dream gave birth to two sharp tongue.Master more than an image of your breath."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream your tongue is sweet eyes, fierce, Lord weep tears of."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream no tongue.Some idea, don't argue with people."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: adult body symbol the complete image of the man in my dream (including his character and feature) or self consciousness.When a person was starvingbabyWhen his body became their most important source of information.

Psychology analysis: people's emotions are often in the form of feeling in my dream, in the same way, the feeling in the dream can say quite rich meaning.

Body parts have different meanings in a dream, dream of the tongue is a sign that you are very good at grasp the timing of the opening or silence, in addition, the tongue can also be said that the ability to understand and communicate information (including his confidence in personal skills).Its basic meaning and another kind of snake, the penis and sexual love.

Dreamed of cervical neck case analysis

"Dream case 1"

In dreams, I am watching a show, it's a wonderful show, the audience a lot, but my heart always want to work, not watching with rapt attention.In the front rowThe little boyTurned around and reached stick its tongue out at me, and made a face turned again.(male, 31)

Resolution: dream the dream the tongue, is a bad dream, there were rumors that makes you trouble.If the dream of the tongue, that your mood is bad, this period have a little in spreading rumors about you.But a promise after all is a rumor, soon the truth will be clarified.If the girl dreamed of stick out your tongue, it shows that your emotional ups and downs is bigger, should pay attention to adjust their mood.

"Dream case 2"

Had a dream, the dream of the tongue is divided into two segments, only a little contact, can break the hard, but is afraid of pain, not broken.The front end of the tongue, as if no consciousness, forcibly bite, unexpectedly to get down, a short but not painful.I don't know what is the meaning of this?

Resolution: dream the dream of the tongue has two explanations: (1) reveal that the dreamer's health status.This is because when we are sick, the tongue can help diagnosis.(2) the tongue speak symbol, rumors and presentation skills.The tongue is broken, is it because the dreamer cannot say what want to say?Communication problems or difficulties?

】 【 dream example 3

Feel his tongue fast down a dream but there was a connection, the tongue hanging outside the mouth, the mouth and blood.But in the end, I still put it in the mouth.

Dreams resolution: staying out your tongue, tongue is in danger of leaving you.Mouth with blood, it is to promote the power of the tongue fall (hostile forces), but you still CARES about the tongue, and try to keep it.

Dream of the tongue

The duke of zhou interprets of query