Dream of the priest

Dream of a priest is what mean?Dream dream of pastor, ok?Dream of pastor has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official websitePastor) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution.

Dream of the priest

Dream of the priest, said you are confused heart, hope to be able to seek advice;Or the difficulties in life will be helped.

Pastor's image in the dream, and may in the tips you need to be careful, such as contact with strangers to prevent fraud.

Dream of talking to the priest, in the work should be carefully, recently no matter what kind of agreement, should be carefully considered.

Young women dream and a priestTo get married, her spirit world will be filled with pain, the hand of fate massively introduced her unfortunate life.

Dreamed you sent for the priest to take funerals, said you resolute struggle with disease, you try to avoid the evil bad influence, but you will be in vain, they will not stem, no matter how much you have done a genuine effort.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the minister responsible for the protection area of responsibility.You are often in the dream you desire delivery of authority is the embodiment of the life.

Psychology analysis: if the dream of the priest, said you want to know about their spiritual side.

Spirit: the priest is the servant of god.You must understand that no matter in physical or mental level, you should have many content.

Dreamed of pastor case analysis

The dream description: pastor, are in a foreign country to see in the movies or TV.Because I am not a Christian, so don't know about this.But once I dreamt that I went to the church, saw a tall and big foreign minister.(male, 25 years old)

Resolution: dream dreamed priest, is to remind you be careful, people are trying to tell you and don't know should speak very carefully, says things to caution, lest be deceived in the coming days.Dream of talks with the pastor, is to remind you to sign any contracts, to seriously consider, especially should seek legal advice before making decision.

Dream of the priest

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