Dream of LiZu officers

Dream of LiZu officers what meaning be?Dream dream LiZu officers?Dream of LiZu officers have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of servants LiZu detailed solution.

Dream of LiZu officers

Dreamed of by judgment hall attendants who flay, predictor for help.

Dreamed that other people are in the government's ministers, indicated that the threat of death.

Dream of foot soldiers, means life depends on selling coolies to survive.

A womanDream of foot soldiers, to have been unable to bear, is worried.

Girls dream of foot soldiers, because can't find contentment boyfriend, delayed their marriage.

Young men dream of foot soldiers, because life is hard, so unable to get married.

Dream of a lot of foot soldiers in the work, all the sorrow and sadness will pass away.

Dream of foot soldiersA fightTo make friends with someone well-placed.

Dream of making friends with foot soldiers, risk from the enemy.

Dream of the army, income increases, the merchant dreamed to join the army, competition will seriously threat to his opponents.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dreams are LiZu dismissed flay.The dream by human, person, everything must have a help patronage.As to hades, see hades, making angry at tarts, big fierce."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

The dream of others is LiZu.The man have death bereaved eritrea."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream LiZu apparatchik, ji.See person, dreams are LiZu base, suddenly become a son of a noble people, the main man yuntai comings, the poor rich, the rich get expensive.Or money, or the person, ominous."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream LiZu precursors.The noble dream ji, flat fierce, literati signs should be in power of XianRong like in the future."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream called LiZu.There are small in this flat who dream.Such as body is noble, when there is a ghost company, shall be at the newspaper."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream as LiZu.Under the noble dream this, by the light of noble, export business.If a big expensive the dream to do this, the Lord has an ominous.SIMS ji, gentleman's fierce;Evil man, a woman;Ping ji, the sick."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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