Dream of officials

Dream of officials is what mean?Dream dream of officials?Dreamed that officials have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed that officials say the detailed solution.

Dream of officials

Dream of officials, indicated that you will get promoted or attaches great importance to the opportunity.At the same time the image of the officials also said to suppress emotions, reflect the heart suppressed creativity.

Dreamed that he was an that you'll get a promotion, in high places.

Dream can't see the "face" officials, suggest you emotional indifference, or life make you feel cold, even friends and family are unable to make you feel cordial and warm.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream with official horses on a visit.This dream in the way of, must be the wind storm.The peace dream, must be done to prevent disease dispute.All the dreamer, must be carefully push accounted for according to the dream of the situation."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of worship officials, a court circles, ji."Dunhuang dream book"

By officer, master gown."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dreams give, shadow attacks, function in an acting capacity.Dream even sealing, noble, flat one.The children dream sealing office, main big expensive.Dreams give GuanJue, give their own target, give parents the parents are fierce.The shadow of dreams and children, auspicious, noble flat rateThe childThere are a disaster.Dream since the attacks on those ancestors GuanJue geely.The appropriate detailed its origin, can be arrested and accounted for.Dream, as a seal king show is auspicious, corrupt, Lord son have punishment.Your dream as the sun, father is expensive, father is rich, rich father fierce is fierce.What dream generation others positions, push, and any officer, he ji is auspicious, he stirred the bullet."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream, people have to officer watches.Dream, a person, is prosperous;To royal, itself.Such as the elderly patients not auspicious."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream to officer, gave birth to a son."Dunhuang dream book"

Dreamed of big officer, an occasion."Dunhuang dream book"

Dream of officer, business."Dunhuang dream book"

Avoid a dream of human officer.Dream of the main man "but the money, the main man not lu.Mortal dream, to meet your every heng accounted for, appropriate detailed what official positions, should from to."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

The dream for officer.Dream QiuGuanZhe, buddhists of the National People's Congress as the ominous, the rate of normal is controversial.The teachers of the law the dreams, torture and auspicious, torture and shall not be fierce.Dream and people who advocate grace to people more content to the requestor sovereignty.Dream recommend others to master their own lost power and influence, commend others himself is the main index."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream job, back to officer.Dream broom, main property, and in the ominous.Dream to officer is fierce, with embarrassment.Flat dreams to officer of the main loss of goods, who had a dream the main life.Dream after their things heng tai, reforming the size."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

The dream.To push the relatives, all deceased, the main position of slaughtered as a ghost.Dream parents who serve, in the hall for the ghost, death for god, the current promotion target.Dream son the officer, not directly but, in the dream as ominous.The home hasA pregnant womanBefore, not dream.Dream brother officer, detailed what officer, the teachers of the law to honor, flat people of Ecuador.Dream, the officer, like a dream to try before, during and after the period plus sign;Individuals with foreboding."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

The officer in a dream.Dream of YangShi as YangShi officer,, and the main body of rong, future will be auspicious.Like a dream job in the world had no official position, the ghost of hades."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Invite everyone officer, the booze."The duke of zhou interprets"

In the face of the rulers, the main business."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: you saw in my dream and real life, there is no relationship between officials, say you are studying their associated with life or guide the relevant part of life.Dream to see any kind of official figures, especially in uniform, can cause the relevant part of your character is hope belongs to a group of excitement.From the perspective of consciousness, you may feel a boomerang, but in your subconscious mind but there is a requirement to keep up with the desire and join.

Psychology analysis: people from childhood began to learn to worship and give in to the authorities.If you have a strict father, father and often put forward higher request, to him, then, that the father may then appears in the identity of the officials in the dream.

Similar dreams may reflect the spiritual symbol: you the desire of the pursuit of spiritual authority.Maybe you are looking for a higher guidance, in order to follow it's teachings, steps in their own direction in a timely manner.

Dreamed of official case analysis

Dream of the night, and a few dressed like a few people and the emperor of the qing dynasty officials shape at the edge of the walls with experimental cannon, ha ha, as if inspired, but don't know what you mean?The weather is sunny can see the moon the stars at night.

Dreams resolution: want to play to their ability in real life but were prevented.Dream the dream to pay attention to the work may be getting into trouble.

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