Dream of the light body

Dream of light over what meaning be?Dream dream of the light body?Dream of light body with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solutions are without cloths.

Dream of the light body

In the life and work pressure can lead to psychological barriers, it is indisputable fact that, but most of the time, the psychological barrier is not realized by people, psychologists in the medical record analysis, only by some local phenomenon to prompt the patients: in some cases may be caused by the pressure of organic mental disorder.

At present, the psychological doctors more attention, and not every dream, but the coherent, repeat, cycle of dream, the dream can better and more accurately show the patient's psychological state, also can make psychological doctor more specifically analyze the meaning of dreams.

Psychological doctor on the analysis of dream and superstition of dream interpretation was completely different, psychological doctor will from two aspects of psychological and physiological, one by one, the meaning of the dream, until in the end, it is concluded that the real diagnosis.Below, we introduce a case.

Dreamer, female, sophomore, starting from the second half of the semester freshman, often do the same dream, dreamed that he crouched in the railway station and others light, people around you are watching her, such as the person always don't come, she was worried and sad, want to hide to no place to hide, and dodged again afraid people to find.She couldn't remember her who are, in general is very important.Every time woke up, went out in a cold sweat, heart beat disorderly jump.It is a dream for more than a year now, she couldn't sleep, body and mind are very tired.

On the analysis of the patients psychological doctor fine some:

1. Analyze the dreamer from emotional belong to chronic tension, introverted, stubborn and self-distrust coexist;

2. From the analysis of dream of the light body, is to show how sleep feel cold, can think the dreamer has kicked of sleepThe quiltThe habit of;Sleep nervous sweats and heart patients, and the overall body posture change is not big, should be caused by the prone the oppression of the heart and trigger cyclic stress.

3. From the physiological analysis the dreamer physique weaker, easy cause mild convulsions, long-term rest badGo to schoolLearning tension, causing a vicious cycle of physical;

4. From the analysis on organic dreamer's body is healthy, but there was an obvious history of menstrual cramps, this fear and helpless, in the period in deep psychological fear, and generate the bellwether pressure.The menstruation cycle is not regular, irregular that explains the dream itself.Period is afraid, but hide to hide not to drop again, had to nervously, etc.The resulting physiological pressure cycle, the dream is painful;

Dreamer introverted 5. Psychological analysis, interaction with others more difficult, but the subconscious desire to have strong communication, even is very strong as a central figure in desire, but at the same time and in fear, afraid of other people will look down on yourself, for their produce, is reflected in the psychological activities where there are a lot of people (the station) in a way to make yourself a lot of pressure (naked) and an imposing their own reason (for such an important person) as a kind of abnormal condition of population center mode, and mixed with excitement, embarrassment, overwhelmed, anxious and nervous psychological state of complex type.

The solution:

1, forced to correct sleeping position, with a single rope fixed method;

2, 15 minutes of warm abdomen of department of gynaecology daily exercise;Insist on more than one year period pain medication;

3, 15 minutes before the night sleep standard exercise;

4, participate in more than three school or community activities;

5, beginning be in love.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: naked in my dream actually reflects your own image.He wants to remove the cover, so their true side show in front of others.Meaning expressed by the dreaming that I am naked in the street and you're willing to see.If yes, explain what he wanted to show to others.If the dream of a naked man alone, he just want to vent their feelings.

Psychology analysis: naked symbol of innocence or purity.If your heart is magnanimous, no worry, you won't mind "naked" in public.If the dream of your naked appeared in the spirit of occasions, is a sign that you are worried about being misunderstood by others, although you feel heart is magnanimous, but you think other people might not be so sure.

Spiritual symbol: naked on behalf of the new start or regeneration, it symbolizes the people of pure in nature.

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