Dream of the liver

Dream of the liver is what mean?Dream dream of liver?Dreamed that the liver has the reality and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of liver detailed solution.

Dream of the liver

Liver bile, storage of glycogen, regulate protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, detoxification, blood and blood coagulation function.

Bile is bitter, it has something to do with "choleric temperament".In the middle ages, people think "black bile" let a person sad and depressed, and "yellow bile" bad temper.

Dream in the liver, is the symbol of mood good or bad.

Dream of the liver, emotional distress and portends a dreamer;Dream of liver damage, suggest the dreamer in daily life due to the improper handling can lead to emotional relationships.

Dream of the liver, usually indicate the dreamer depressive mood need outbreak.

Dream of having liver, suggesting that liar is trying to win your lover's heart.

Dream of diseased liver, said you will choose a partner is a man of fierce temper, she criticize every moment, and your life will be full of anxiety and discomfort.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream liver butterflies fly.Dream of the patient to ghost, anger."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

The dream see profile control liver beads.Dream son father, couples became sick.And the main charge like tears."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: in the liver, dream is the symbol of sentiment, the ghost of his irritable mood.

The anger of the psychological analysis: liver representative.

Dream of the case study of the liver

"Dream case 1"

Ghost press recently, I was 22 long so big, for the first time, have the experience, then the next day dreaming that I am vomiting blood, finish vomit blood, blood in the liver, the dream oneself also feel not far from his own mortality, woke up still shrouded in that kind of despair.This is how to return a responsibility?I am a ordinary small fine products, can do something shameful, a don't steal two don't rob, don't againkillSet fire to.

Resolution: dream dream of vomiting blood, means that the body will be very healthy, and means that recently has a legitimate income.

"Dream case 2"

Dream of others to do your own liver surgery doctor suture, for the first time, it didn't take long, and there is a man to give I cut open the inside of the line, I see very clearly, and finally a drop into his trousers. I glanced at the whole body scar.

Dreams resolution: dream of liver, indicate the dreamer emotional distress and outbreak;Dream of damage to the liver to do surgery, prompt the dreamer in daily life due to the emotional aspects of improper handling can lead to bad relationships.

】 【 dream example 3

Dreaming that I go to the hospital the day before yesterday, I have B liver check-up, fish liver is swollen, the doctor says not to be treated, I am of the students are preparing for the ministry of communicationsThe test

Dreams resolution: from the psychological point of view, this dream is caused by the worry about health.If the dream of liver problems repeatedly, the general tips to do inspection.If you feel uncomfortable or worried, also suggests to do check.Good luck to you!

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