Dream of the ear

Dream of ear is what mean?Dream dream of ears?Dream of ear has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dreamed ear small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of the ear

Ear in the dream, on behalf of the information you receive from the outside world, or the ability to listen to others the heart sound, in addition, also with information, opportunity, right and wrong judgment is closely related to the meanings.At the same time, the dream of the ear also said to remind people to pay attention to dreaming to listen to the opinions of others, focus on new information.

Dream of someone else's ears, predict will receive a surprising message.

Dreamed that he grew many ears that will get a lot of friends, and message well informed.

Dream of ear bigger, predicted in the near future is a good time to learning and training.Will be helped by accident, outstanding achievements,The testSmoothly.

Dream of very small ears, suggested that you may find it a false friend.

Dreamed of his ear was cut off, suggesting that the dreamer eliminate other people's criticism, decisively let things according to his plan execution.

Dreaming that I am an earache, or have other problems, to remind you to beware of the little people around you.

Dream of someone else's ear was cut off, said around someone and you have a different point of view, you could have opposition, setbacks and difficulties.

Dreamed someone whispers to himself, suggests that you are worried about someone behind while talking to you.

Dream of others to speak for themselves, but the dream what all listen to not clear place, suggest that dreams don't pay attention to those who is not easy to hear information directly.

Dreamed of his ear cleaning, or anyone else for his ear cleaning, indicate the dreamer in the face of opposition or gossip will reduce, and will receive a good message.

Dreamed someone screwed my ears, the other people of parliament bring you pain, or you will be punished for his fault.

Dream of ears long-haired man, predict will have the chance to get rich, and remind you to pay attention to the message can bring profit.

Dream for a beast ear that enemy may have on your plot, to be vigilant.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Ear was cut, Pepsi, hence Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

Ear screwed with jail time."The duke of zhou interprets"

Ear raw wool, Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream to be cut to the ear, fierce.Dreams are ominous."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ears twofold soil, fierce, there will be unlawfully."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ear was cut.Dream ear the victim, the Lord of auspicious trillion.The broken dream secretary

Dream deafness.Dream of the ominous, sick dream this, the lung qi deficiency."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ears grow hair, ji.When message is good, what age increase."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ear gives birth to flesh, fierce, family people humiliated."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ear endogenous tongue, fine, main sweet language, friends meet her love."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream on ear long dragon horn, fierce.There is no ear to Angle to the dragon, the dragon in the ear is deaf, should have the dream.Dream others ErSheng Angle, there will be not the heart."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ErSheng two zygomatic, temples in the ear, after.Dream under this month there is good news, there are far to the letter."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ears without a hole, fierce.Main tillage planting, drought, pedestrians not letter, children learn is not long, the marriage is impossible, the patient more out-of-the-way, gone with anxiety."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ear in the mouth.Move hand mouth to ear, but yi word, also have guest to Lord, auspicious signs.The broken dream secretary

The dream ofbleedingCorrupt shoulder, big fierce.For the son of man dreams, principal of change;As parents dream, his body and dangerous."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of snakes, auspicious.Waving YiZhe in the heart, that there are no bad dreams;Dream snake from ear to ear, hear near and far, four chung.Snake is the symbol of longevity.Ill dream snake ear ominous."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream two earlobe breast approach, business.A minister, a friend, but is to listen to your words.Good practice, in Buddhism, at ease and comfortable, like a boy or girl."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream three ears four ears, ji, SheXing phase of trillion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreams see cinnabar, of the amount of ears.The dream Lord rong family rich, delay aging, again changsheng, son of plague.Every dream tao ear, any pain, mud and blood."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream ear, ji.Dream, the spirit to be strong, become just as well, business thrive and prosper, the grandchild.Litigation and in me, happy, happy and can work of trillion into also."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream to wash ears, great luck.Wash the ear to hear good news, see the letter, all of megabytes.Fame smell good news, merchants letter, inside washing, white waste flexion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of ear.Go to dirty, into the smart.Dream one ear or with ourselves trim ear, when you have met, language to fit."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream on the top of the ear, ji.The main travel, there is to be feared, have letter can connect."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream move, ears.Master for a long time without dating, there will be a guest to make the world, due to the modest honour there is light."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreams of a big ears, ji.Dream this person will be in autumn has something of a remedy of trillion, but is not live with the money."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Others ear was cut, eritrea to the Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

Ear cleaning, good news to the Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: the ear is the Lord, the function of the ears is to listen to, so it stands for information.Ear has a filter function, not interested in things, heard don't remember.So, ear represent messages can cause the interest of people, this is wrong.

Psychology analysis:

Dreamed that his ear was cut off, is a good omen.That is in addition to the criticism to oneself, you ask other people's things can be accepted by people, your order will prevail.Dream of someone else's ear was cut off, is the omen.On behalf of others and their own different opinions and views, ears cut means against their views received recognition, they will be everyone's mutual opposition, this dream usually means will suffer.

Ear cleaning is clear about right and wrong, this dream means about his non-parliamentary reduce, this is usually accompanied by a change in human behavior attitude.Should be more tolerant to criticism, to criticize in the invisible.Dreamed of his ear cleaning, or let others to their ear cleaning, have a good message.If someone twisted my ears, the means is brings pain to himself, that is pay for doing the wrong thing.If doing illegal things, it will spread, punished by the law.

Dream of the case analysis of the ear

"Dream case 1"

A man, one night dreaming that I am in ear cleaning, there are a lot of wax, tao is.In a dream, this man has been ear cleaning.

Dreams resolution: on behalf of the listening ear, so the dream may be related to the dreamer to listen to other people's ideas, opinions.Think you have in your ear wax, reflecting the dreamer may feel hear some annoying, feel dirty ears, want to ear clean.Is actually want to put those bad words and hear, all from their own.This is his dream.

"Dream case 2"

Dream I am ear cleaning, do not know why it took out a large straw.The grass it's warm hand, like a really long in my ears, really confusing.(female, 28)

Dreams resolution: the ear is the source of information, dream of ear often associated with any message.Dreamed of his ear was cut off, for example, means a collective decision has to be carried out smoothly.Dream of someone else's ear was cut, is going to be a little bit of a problem.Dreamed of his ear cleaning, or let others to their ear cleaning, that shows a good message.

Ear was just listen to other things, its own without any ability to "production".But the ear actually life is long out of the grass, it shows that work, all the activities of competitive category, will have good results.

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The duke of zhou interprets of query