Dream of militia

Dream of militia is what mean?Dream dream of militia, ok?Dream of militia have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of militia detailed solution.

Dream of militia

Dao is the ruler of weapons, the key is, fast and exact.It is often used to describe a smart people.In the dream of the militia often represent a kind of belief.

Dreamed that he became, which indicated his will have unexpected harvest.

Traders dream, said things because of their accurate judgment and was a great success.

Dreamed that he was being murdered by militia, said he is very smart, career but will be frustrated in love.

Dream and militia, said can transcend their own dreams.

Dream of militia wear knife, illustrate the dreamer masculinity is dye-in-the-wood.

Women dream of militia wear knife, on behalf of the dreamer to men's wrist, the pursuit of the ability of the body.

Dream of sword stained with fresh, remind the dreamer should try to avoid direct conflict with others.

Dream of knife as a gift, portends a dreamer break relations with friends in reality.

Dream of knife away, means will bring unexpected, remind the dreamer usually more attention.

Dream of knife, often indicates that you will meet disaster, dangerous, or sharp conflicts.This dream also remind you in the near future should pay attention to exercise restraint, properly resolving conflicts as much as possible, to avoid the situation further intensified or emotional impulse behaviour with people, have dangerous consequences.

A womanDream of knife, knife, etc with a blade, also symbolizes the fear of men and sex.

Men dream of knife, the symbol of men strong side, sometimes even said to hate women.

A man dreaming that I am wearing swords, said very macho, or you want to show off their virility.

Men dreamed of knife is very dependent on, suggest you sex is a lack of security, fear of impotence.

Dream of knife is broken, bent or tender, also suggested that you fear of sexual performance.

Dream of knife to someone that you will suffer losses, hit, and if we can clearly remember to accept each other, also suggested that you want and dream of people break, hostility.

Dream of someone gave you a knife, you will receive a good message.

Dream of received a kitchen knife, indicate your income should be increased, to improve life.

Warrior dream of knife, indicates to perform a task.

Dream or had blood on the knife stabbed by youbleeding, also have money, will have unexpected harvest.

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