Dream of long

Dream of long what meaning be?Dream dream of long, ok?Dream of long have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) dreamed long small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of long

Dream of monks, Taoist priest, shi tao is the symbol of geely.

Men dreamed of long, portend for catastrophe.

A womanDream of communicating with the long life happiness.

Constitutes a girl fighting with long dreamed of, and his family would be humiliated.

Workers dream of Taoist, predict will get leadership recognition, job will improve.

Traders dream of Taoist, mean a business will be rich.

Dream of monks and Taoist conversation, is the dream of great luck, promises to be career smoothly.

Dream of a nun and monk hide-and-seek, indicate a relationship, you loverA blind date, but you can't love each other, nothing.

Dreamed of long case analysis

A 】 【 case

Dream description: last night dream of himself and his family to go to a Taoist temple, an expert in fortune telling, I ask for a moment, my career after the monk told me, now can't remember what, only know that the profession is not so good.

Resolution: dream dream of long fortune-telling, indicate your life well, business is not smooth.

The second case.

Dream description: a dream start is a very famous Taoism charges me for long, long will test, then to meClimbing the mountainLearn something, seems to climb the mountain, the mountain is very steep, twice the chain very slender, sometimes broken section, the mist and water vapor is very big, but it's beautiful, climbed to a half, saw a piece of the sky clouds cloud into the appearance of the sail, written bon voyage!

Dreams resolution: dream of long for division, is the club, a dream to see cloud into a sail, well written, indicated that life would be plain sailing.

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