Dream turned ugly

What do you mean dream turned ugly?Dream dream turned ugly?Dream turned ugly reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dreamed about ugly small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream turned ugly

Dreaming that I am ugly, said in a relationship in the future is full of hard, your lover will be very cold for you, maybe let you pain.

Dream of sores on his face, said there will be a pleasure to happen in sports.Maybe can buy coveted skates, in order to meet the day, use free day to practice.

Dream of your face is swollen, or than the original red, what will become a rich man.

Dream of your face become beautiful, said above the relationship of the colleagues or classmates, you will get along better, can make intimate friends.

Dream of face round and fat, said hinted that the next six months, you will be under a lucky star shines.No matter in love, money, health, friends and so on various aspects, will be very satisfied.

Dream about someone ugly face, said in a love relationship or marriage is full of rugged, is likely to depart.

Dream of friends face can't see, suggesting that someone want to way to close to you, but in the end you will hurt.

Dream of freckle face, says there are a lot of unpleasant things, will affect your happiness life;If it is in the mirror to see freckles are the other half is likely to be robbed.

Dream of beautiful face, said will be happiness.

Dream of the hairIs too long almost covering her face, said fortunes decline in terms of behavior.Might be the wrong table wrong feeling, this kind of rash action cannot be too careful.Otherwise it will come.

Dream of the ugly face, said unfortunately to happen.

Dream of my face not good-looking, says it will sad sad.

Dreamed that wash a face to brush their hair, this is a fine dream, whether it is a life, feelings, work on any bother brain sad, all will be swept away, make you smile.

Dream of face papula, this is a good dream, said recently in your life will be very happy, and in business also with each passing day.

Dream of shaving razor, broken skin, said if you want to win, must pay hard work.

Dream of long hair covered his face, suggesting that part of your chart will be impeded, bumpy, it is not easy to do things successfully.

Great dream of distorted face, said.

Dream of whole face wrinkle lines, said the money would drop dramatically.Maybe father seized up, run by the company of your allowance will be reduced, it is best not to waste of money.

Dream of blow to the face, because of the explosion on a layer of ash, say you will be charge, although it is not fair, but because of the evidence, let you think it is speechless.

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