Dream of the corridor

Dream of corridor is what mean?Dream dream of corridor?Dream of corridor with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the detailed solution to speak of the corridor.

Dream of the corridor

Dream of corridor, a symbol of life for a period of transition, predict work life turning point, change.

Dreamed that he stood in a hallway, usually said the dreamer is in a transition phase, the living environment or jobs, may face changes.

Dream of corridor straight and neat, indicate trouble on the way forward, again.

Dream of winding corridor, suggests that the dreamer will encounter a little trouble.

Dreaming that I am in the corridors, which indicates that the dreamer to the present state in the heart, changes in work or life still have some uncertainty, heart is full of doubt.

Dream of school corridor, means that your thoughts are very indecisive, but hate to date.

Dream of walking in the corridor, indicated that the dreamer will appropriately handle once order his anxious;

Unmarried women dreamed that he appeared in the hallway with lover, indicated that the dreamer will be settled as soon as possible, start a new happy marriage life;

Dream of shabby corridor, is the symbol of bad, indicated the hope of the dreamer, if handled carelessly will likely failed.

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