Dream of store

Dream of store is what mean?Dream dream of store?Dreamed that store has a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) the dream of store with small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of store

Dream of storage room, storage room is the place that treasure things, it can put food, also can put some precious collections.Dream in the store, is a symbol of life rich.

Dreamed of with goods store, suggesting that the dreamer future wealth;

Dream of in the form of store, mean a dreamer wealth growth, but growth is slow;

Dream of all empty storage, means that the dreamer will gain wealth, but also must wait for a period of time.

Dream in cold, wet storage, said there are a lot of doubts in your heart in torment you, you may lose confidence about all the things, unless you get up the courage to struggle hard, otherwise your mental breakdown, bad luck come.This dream is also indicated that the loss of the property.

Dreamed of storeroom filled with wine and food, says you will get a income of questionable origin.

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