Dream of government office building

What is the meaning of dream of government office building?Dream dream of government office building?Dream of government offices have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of government office building of the detailed solution.

Dream of government office building

Dream of government buildings, sometimes suggested that you desire for power, or the subconscious, hope to colleagues, or friends, hoping to occupies the lead position.

Dream is the office of my own work on weekdays, and what no other meaning

If the dream is someone else's office, that means you think of reality and ideal has the very big difference, is trying to move toward the ideal.

Dreamed that he is a staff of the office. Unfortunately the days to come.

Dreamed that he was the director of the office, is a good omen, career progression.

A womanDream of working in the office, women jealous of his rich neighbor.

Dream of the creation of a new office, planning a new business, will be good.

Dream of received his commission as working in an office, is a harbinger of out of office.

Dreamed of office buildingThe fire, disaster will come.

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