Dream of the study

Dream of the study is what mean?Dream dream of study?Dreamed that the study has realistic and the influence of the reaction, but also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of study the detailed solution.

Dream of the study

Dream of the study, symbol has a deep curiosity, suggest you brilliant, career, or academic success.

Intellectuals dreamed about, the study indicated that business will be outstanding achievements.

Students dreamed of a study, indicated in school, excellent scores.

Peasants, workers, dream of the study, said the desire for knowledge, you will go to charge, is expected to be further improved.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream library.Dream into the bookstore, the Lord see and hear widely.Dream libraries, the estate grown up.Dreams will speak out in the study, teachers master and enterprising.Dream school tall, bonham accumulation of ancient books, the main knowledge, RongZiGui.Dream house high wide, before and after things are linked together, ZhuYou paper notes, the main reputation soared, just outside.If dream library block sometimes darkness, broken damaged oblique, sit properly, discrepancy and Lord have regrets streamline."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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