Dream of the laboratory

Dream of laboratory is what mean?Dream dream of lab?Dream of laboratory has reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of laboratory detailed solution.

Dream of the laboratory

Dream of himself in the laboratory experiment, it shows that your heart wants to clear the matter up.

Dream of others doing the experiment in the laboratory, indicate your plan will achieve.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: dreaming that I am working in the laboratory indicate that you should put your life is more rational and system.Obviously, you have certain thinking and ability, can achieve the above requirements.

Psychology analysis: laboratory on behalf of the order, suggest that the outside world to impose your ideas and dreams may hinder the creation ability.

Spiritual symbol: from the spiritual level, laboratory symbol your mind is fully mechanized in a dream, you lose their independent and creativity.

Dream of laboratory analysis of the case

I especially like the experiment, both physics class, or chemistry.I dream of doing chemical experiments in the lab, the first two didn't succeed.I didn't lose heart, continue to work hard, my test finally succeeded.(male, 16 years old)

Resolution: dream dream laboratory, represents the development situation.Laboratory of dream, is your in the mind hope to be able to master the work progress.Dreaming that I am doing the experiment, it shows that your heart wants to clear the matter up.Dream of others in doing the experiment, indicate your plan will achieve.

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